Getting started
Item setup
Catalog optimization
Shipping & fulfillment
Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)
Order management
Ads & Campaigns
Learn about the product detail page and how to list your entire catalog on
Understand guidelines and requirements for item setup on Walmart Marketplace
Create and maintain high-quality product listings
Choose between setup methods and tools that best serve your business needs
Use Seller Center to measure the effectiveness of your catalog
**For the latest information on item setup, check our Marketplace Learn guides, including Add an item: Create a new item and Add an item: Search the Walmart Catalog. If you're new to Walmart Marketplace, or just have a few items to sell, adding items individually might be a great place to start. In this video, we'll show you how to set up single items on using Seller Center.
You must use an Excel .xlsx file that’s less than 5MB in size to upload your items.
Only one file can be uploaded at a time.
If you submit your item and nothing happens on your screen, it means that some required fields are missing, and you need to fill out that information before submitting the form.
A product identifier is either a GTIN, UPC, EAN, or ISBN.
Items may appear in your catalog as quickly as 15 minutes or can take up to four hours.
If you switch your fulfillment type from Seller-fulfilled to Walmart-fulfilled, there’ll be additional fields that you’ll need to complete for compliance and trade purposes.
During the single item setup process, you’ll need to select either Seller Fulfilled or Walmart Fulfilled as your fulfillment option.